Thursday, October 6, 2016

Gabz night out.. when & where!

'Dintshang?' as generally day workers ask at the end of shift, or out to interact with new chaps whilst hanging out sets a trend for the hip & happening as well as the best chill out spots, Dintshang a term meaning 'whats good' in Tswana. Well i've been around the most if not all the most visited places around Gabz, so take my advice;

1. Mantaag/Monday - Ribsnight

Lingaaz (Linga Longa) or Bull n Bush

2. Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Stay indoor..

3. Labone/Thursdays - #ladiesnytout or half past vakant

5. Far'ase/Friday - Capello/ Liban

6. Satis'/ Saturday

7. Sontaga/Sunday - Ed'las Chisa nyama

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